About me

Willing to Loose weight is the main principle 

“Fat cow” was a nickname that not only was screamed to me whenever I passed by but said to my face almost every day.

Today my weight is in between 53-54 kg but I couldn’t brag about my kilos when I was 14, though I had a lot of it - all 105!

Here’s my mental state at those times, and you probably know what I mean:

  • I couldn’t stand looking in the mirror and a school photo where I was bigger than our head of studies;
  • I had a billion complexes;
  • I couldn’t find “pretty girl” outfits, so “grandma’s clothes” was my only option;

The only thing I wanted is to get out of this endlees loop!

It’s not a secret that excessive weight means poor health . I didn’t want to have such problems in the future because one day I wanted to have a healthy family.

Each day was a torture and each day I saw stylish “cover girls” in shop windows smiling at me. All that made me to start loosing weight process , that was,unfortunately, very difficult to me.

It’s probably every girl’s dream: eat whatever you want and stay slim. That’s not my case at all!

On dieting dangers 

I was caught on a lot of diets: I’ve tried popular ones. Here they are:

  • Kefir and apples 24/7
  • Vegetables only
  • No sweets

No long-term effect in the end! The minute I started to eat everything, I put on even more weight.

Such diets were very difficult for me, so I broke occasionally and no good results came out of it. Plus, I noticed, that I had peeling nails, split ends, face looked tired with dark circles under eyes.

I had constant headaches, and I was tired from doing nothing, I had no energy for sport, and it’s not that easy when you’re 100 kg. As I was getting back home , I ate soup and went out for the whole evening. As I came back — I drank kefir and went to bed. It was hard, but I gave its results: I lost about 15-20 kg, even though it wasn’t that much for my general weight.

I graduated like that, less fat and more confident. I went with remote (evening) education, so I could work full-time during the day, as my parents weren’t able to provide me with everything I wanted. By the way, I consider it as a big plus, because during my first “working” year I became self-dependent and loose weight to 75kg.

Weight loss mistakes

Of course, the weight loss process was harsh, because I didn’t know much about right dieting and eat almost nothing throughout the day.

I realise now that it was th wrong way, I should’ve eaten in small portions but every 3-4 hours.

One day a colleague told about an onion soup diet that helped her loose weight. I tried it immediatelly, but after three days I couldn’t get to work: dizziness and shivering were there.

That was the “last-straw” diet that I tortured myself with!


After all that nightmare I decided that I need to change something for sure! And from that moment I started getting the right knowledge and gaining the experince, that I shared later in my weight loss course.

By trial and error to right nutrition. Here are some points of my nutrition system:

  • Diet is similar to hay dieting. Sure, I had to forget about sweets and pastries, though I allowed myself some sweets before noon because that way body has a lot of time to digest it!
  • Protein founder and green tea founder. Non-fat cottage cheese is a number one solution - you’re full for a long time;
  • I included vegetables combined with chicken breasts and tuna;
  • I came back to kefir and apples instead of “chocolate and muffins” snack;
  • I started eating in small portions but more often, and my last meal was 3-4 hours before bed. And, of course, I got gym membership card where I was killing myself with cardio.

So, when I turned 18 I weighed 65 kg - weight I could only dream about.

No one could believe that I lost weight

My life changed completely. Now it was right dieting, regular sport and nice reflection in the mirror, that made very happy.

All my colleagues could not believe that the on 3-4 year old pictures is me! Only close friends and my boyfriend who were supporting me the whole time, could confirm that it really was me.

This enormous 51 kg weight loss changed not only my body but my personality . The girl who had a lot of complexes and hated seeing herself in the mirror was gone.

Now I’m confident and I know that have will power. I’m still working on myself by going to the gym and keeping health dieting, and I help those who has the problems with weight .

I really want people to believe that changes are real and they are able to make them happen, even if it’s not easy.

A lot of young girls are suffering from excessive weight, without realising that they should fight it, that’s why I created my own program which had helped so many people already. Try it yourself!

Today I weight 50-51 kg, so I lost 54-55 kg in total! And I haven’t been putting on weight for 2,5 now. .

For more effective help I got a degree in dieting and fitness-training